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New Initiatives, Opening Doors to Clinical Trials, Proposals for Clinical Trial Reforms, Post-Manufacturing and Sales, PV Models

Trial Gate

Clinical Trials

We provide full support for quickly developing high-quality pharmaceuticals and regenerative medical products.

EPS handles all CRO operations in clinical trials.
For multiple outsourcing services, our project managers specialized in clinical development provide strong support as an integrated contact point for the entire outsourcing service, making full use of their expertise to meet our client’s needs.

Leveraging EPS Group economies of scale, we contribute to the speedy and high-quality development of pharmaceuticals and regenerative medical products by supporting clinical trials in Asia and other parts of the world, and by providing clinical development solutions with even higher added value.

We provide services in the medical device development area in collaboration with our group company EP Mediate Co., Ltd.

Clinical Trials 開発薬事コンサルティング 臨床企画PMDA相談支援 薬事ライティング リスクマネジメント 薬剤割付 症例登録 データマネジメント 統計解析 治験総括報告書 モニタリング・品質管理(QC) eSourceサービス 治験薬管理・配送支援 データモニタリング委員会事務局 モニター研修 中央評価支援 イメージングCRO セントラルモニタリング 監査(QA) 安全性情報支援 申請資料作成支援

Post-Marketing Services

Based on our expertise and abundant experience, we provide a one-stop service for quick, high-quality post-marketing services.

We support all Post-Marketing CRO operations.
When required to handle all post-marketing operations, we promise to provide you with even greater benefits through smooth coordination between services.

Post-Marketing Services PMSコンサルティング リスクマネジメントプラン作成支援業務 実施計画書作成支援業務 データマネジメント 統計解析 調査結果報告書 PMSモニタリング施設契約書作成 安全性定期報告書作成支援 安全性情報支援 レジストリ構築支援 医療情報データベース研究/調査 市販後の資材作成 再審査申請資料作成支援